

威彻斯特夏日 (WSD) offers an unmatched summer experience where children have fun, 在安全和养育的环境中学习和成长. 我们训练有素,充满爱心的员工包括教师, 体育和艺术专家, 救生员和全职护士. Our professional staff work together to ensure that each child is happy all summer long. WSD promotes Jewish values and engages children in a host of fun activities within the framework of the modern orthodox tradition.


  • welcome皇冠地址

    学前及幼稚园小朋友都喜爱水务署. Our dedicated professional staff provides a nurturing environment for play and learning. Each day is filled with fun activities on our beaches and in our playgrounds: sports, arts & 手工艺、教学游泳和音乐. Theme days add excitement to the summer, and an Oneg Shabbat celebration completes each week.


  • 初中

    一年级和二年级学生作为个体继续成长, while looking to their group leaders as role models and guides. Days are packed with swim, sports and a wide variety of exciting activities. The 初中 WSD experience also includes trips and exciting special events.


  • 中间体

    Children entering the third and fourth grades are already asserting their independence and WSD encourages and channels this through leadership-building activities and learning the value of teamwork. 中级人群会去看职业棒球比赛, visit amusement parks and enjoy many other special events.


  • 老年人

    • 老年人

      As part of our continued effort to redesign the WSD summer experience for our oldest children, we are offering our WSD 老年人 (5th-8th graders) to choose their summer experience by offering an active or creative track! Each week our seniors will choose their track of choice and have a double period on their schedule dedicated to their track choice.

    - Active Track - Basketball, Tennis, Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, Football
    - Creative Track - Art and Crafts, Top Chef, STEAM, Theater, Repair the World, Neighborhood, Music

    WSD 老年人 will enjoy swimming twice a day as well as a mix of our WSD activities. We will also be planning 1-2 day trips for our 老年人 throughout the summer as well as two overnight trips. WSD 老年人 will be able to enjoy the “teen space” during their free time! 


  • CIT程序

    • CIT项目(9年级-15岁)

    • Our CIT program transitions our oldest girls and boys into potential future WSD staff, with a fun learning experience of active participation in their group's summer activities. 除了参加小组的活动, they will have their own CIT special programs though-out the summer including off site trips. cit注册为“营员”,我们称他们为“cit”, which means that you will need to complete our Health Form and any additional forms that may be required during the summer.
    • Summer 2024 CIT Rates: $360 (includes daily food/snacks, trips, CIT shirts)
    • 如需乘坐巴士,车费如下:
    • - 1,000元(四个星期或以下)
    • - $1750(5-6周)
    - $1850(整个夏季)

    For more information regarding our summer 2024 CIT program please contact Monica Klein at ext. 173或电邮至monicaklein@zizhanggui.com




威彻斯特走读学校 is a Modern Orthodox, 男女合校, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th grade Jewish school that inspires and educates our students in their own way to value menschlichkeit, 一下, 终身学习.